Clothes, objects, technology and food, are most of the items that are purchased every day. For companies, the packaging is not just an object that contains products, but it is a way to communicate. A light or heavy paper shopping bag, colored in a certain way, can make a difference with customers. Here, we present our Shopping Bag machine.
Because no machines could make the shopping bag automatically, the heavvy paper did not developped a lot on the market. Further more and more companies, to reduce internal manufacturing costs decided to carry out the assembly operations with third parts. Most of this print finishers where located in countries characterized by low labor costs. But, if in one hand the costs have been reduced, on the other hands this operation has generated unexpected problems of various kinds.

The Shopping Bag machine was born from customer’s needs
Fidia Macchine Grafiche, pushed from his customers, years ago, started to produce automatic shopping bag lines. Fidia, therefore, put on the market an automatic machine called the Shopping Bag machine.
This is an absolutely unique machine of its kind. It is able to produce high quality shopping bags, regardless of the weight of the paper used, the thickness and its dimensions.
The Shopping Bag line consists of two independent automatic machines to perform different jobs but both functional to the production of high quality bags.
The first machine is the Vampa-Trevi. This machine makes the shopping bag tube including the creasing. This on line creasing generates a considerable time saving as it will avoid to make a passage on the die cutting machine
The process begins with a paper blank, printed and trimmed to size. As a first step, the Vampa-Trevi makes the horizontal letter press creases, which will later serve to determine the gussets position. The second operation will be done with a help of a pick & place machine called Talia. This inserter (Talia), will apply a cardboard reinforcement in the area of the handles. Afterwards a second circular scoring / creasing will be made. This will prepare the sheet for the square bottom folding of the envelope.
A 90 degree turning unit will allow the machine to apply two layers of glue, on the sheet, one hot and one cold. This will ensure a perfect and resistant closure of the shopping bag. At this point, the sheet is guided to the correct lateral closure, and to the formation of the lateral gussets. At the exit, we will have the finished tube.
The second machine, Navona, will be fed by the finished tubes, previously made on the Vampa.Trevi. This machine, with its automatic processes, will complete the work of the tube, up to the finished product. Its first operation will be the punching of the handles on which there will be applied the laces.
At this point, to facilitate the opening of the bottom of the shopping bag, a pre grain breaking will be done. Then, automatically, two small hands (patented system) will open the bottom of the bag. To complete the operation, our pick & place system automatically inserts a cardboard reinforcement.
The work continues with the closure of the square bottom (still open) with conveyors. To complete the operation, the machine with a help of a cross turning un it will present the shopping bag at 90 degrees. Finally the operations of gluing the bottom of the shopping bag are carried out using hot glue. Outgoing, we will have the finished product.
Can we sell the machines individually?
The Shopping Bag machine is the union of independent machines which, therefore, can also be sold separately.
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